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Establish 100% Foreign Ownership in the UAE with Novus

Establish 100% Foreign Ownership in the UAE with Novus

A Guide to Establish 100% Foreign Ownership in the UAE

100% foreign ownership in the UAE marks a significant shift in the country’s business landscape. The recent changes present new opportunities for foreign investors and businesses looking to establish a strong presence in this dynamic market. With a focus on promoting economic growth and diversification, the UAE now offers an attractive environment for global entrepreneurs to capitalize on these developments.

Background of 100% Foreign Ownership in UAE

Before the introduction of the Foreign Direct Investment Law, foreign ownership in the UAE was governed by the federal law on commercial companies. This law imposed several restrictions on foreign investors, limiting their ownership in UAE-based companies to a maximum of 49%. Consequently, foreign entrepreneurs were required to partner with a UAE national, who would hold a majority stake in the company.

These limitations on foreign ownership were seen as barriers to attracting international investments, as they restricted the control and decision-making power of foreign investors. Recognizing the need to encourage foreign investment and foster economic diversification, the UAE government introduced the Foreign Direct Investment Law in 2018. This groundbreaking legislation marked a significant shift in the country’s approach to foreign ownership, paving the way for 100% ownership of companies in the UAE by foreign investors.

Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus 

The Foreign Direct Investment Law was a game-changer for the UAE business landscape, as it granted foreign investors the opportunity to fully own and control their businesses without the need for a local sponsor. This progressive legislation not only removed the previous limitations on foreign ownership but also created an environment that encourages global entrepreneurs to invest and establish their businesses in the UAE. The new law symbolizes the UAE’s commitment to creating a competitive and business-friendly environment, attracting international investors, and fostering economic growth.

Key Changes in the Foreign Ownership Regulations

Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus 

There have been several pivotal amendments in the foreign ownership regulations in the UAE, signaling a progressive shift in the country’s business landscape. The key changes include the amendment of the commercial companies law, the introduction of activities eligible for 100% foreign ownership, and the impact on free zones and mainland businesses.

Amendment of the Commercial Companies Law

The amendment of the commercial companies law marked a significant turning point in the UAE’s approach to foreign ownership. This change has allowed foreign investors to establish businesses in the UAE without the need for a local sponsor, granting them full ownership and control over their companies. By removing the previous restrictions on foreign ownership, the UAE has created a more competitive and business-friendly environment, attracting global entrepreneurs and fostering economic growth.

Activities Eligible for 100% Foreign Ownership

With the introduction of the Foreign Direct Investment Law, a list of activities eligible for 100% foreign ownership was established. This list covers various sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services, allowing foreign investors to explore diverse opportunities in the UAE market. The list is periodically updated to include more business activities, showcasing the UAE’s commitment to facilitating foreign investments and economic diversification.

Impact on Free Zones and Mainland Businesses

The changes in foreign ownership regulations have had a significant impact on both free zones and mainland businesses in the UAE. For free zones, the new regulations have created an even more attractive environment for foreign investors, as they can now benefit from 100% ownership without the need for a local sponsor. This has led to an increase in the number of businesses setting up in free zones, boosting the overall growth of the UAE’s economy.

On the other hand, mainland businesses have also experienced positive effects, as they are now able to attract more foreign investments and establish stronger partnerships with international companies. This has resulted in a more dynamic and competitive business landscape in the UAE, opening new doors for entrepreneurs and investors from around the world.

Opportunities and Advantages of 100% Foreign Ownership

Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus 

The introduction of 100% foreign ownership in the UAE has brought about numerous opportunities and advantages for foreign investors, entrepreneurs, and businesses. Some of the key benefits include:

Attraction of Foreign Investments

The new foreign ownership regulations have made the UAE an even more attractive destination for foreign investments. With the possibility of full ownership and control over their businesses, investors can confidently enter the UAE market, knowing that their interests are well-protected. This influx of foreign investments further strengthens the country’s economy, fueling its growth and diversification.

Increased Business Setup Options in Mainland and Free Zones

100% foreign ownership has expanded the range of business setup options available in the UAE, both in mainland and free zones. Foreign investors can now choose from a wider array of business activities and locations, depending on their specific needs and preferences. This flexibility allows companies to tailor their business setup to best suit their requirements, ensuring a more seamless and efficient process.

Simplified Process for Company Formation

With the removal of the need for a local sponsor, the process of company formation in the UAE has become more streamlined and straightforward. Foreign investors can now focus on the core aspects of their business setup, without having to navigate the complexities of finding and managing a local sponsor. This simplification of the process makes it easier and more efficient for foreign businesses to establish their presence in the UAE.

Competitive Advantages in the Regional Market

By granting foreign investors the opportunity to fully own and control their businesses in the UAE, the country has positioned itself as a highly competitive and attractive market in the region. This development not only benefits foreign companies looking to establish a presence in the UAE but also reinforces the country’s reputation as a leading business hub in the Middle East. As more foreign investors and businesses capitalize on these opportunities, the overall competitiveness of the UAE’s business landscape will continue to grow.

Eligibility and Requirements for 100% Ownership in UAE

Novus Csp: Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus 

For foreign investors to take advantage of the 100% foreign ownership opportunities in the UAE, it is essential to understand the eligibility criteria, application process, and the importance of seeking professional assistance during the company formation process.

Criteria for Businesses to Qualify for Full Foreign Ownership

Foreign investors looking to establish a business with full ownership in the UAE must first ensure that their planned business activity falls under the list of eligible activities permitted for 100% foreign ownership. This list, which is periodically updated, covers various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. Investors must verify that their business activity is included in the list, as it will determine their eligibility for full foreign ownership.

Application Process for 100% Ownership

Once a foreign investor has confirmed that their business activity is eligible for 100% ownership, they can proceed with the application process. This involves the submission of relevant documents and approvals to the respective authorities, as well as the registration and licensing of the company. During this process, investors need to ensure that they comply with all the requirements and regulations, as any discrepancies or errors may result in delays or complications in the company formation process.

Importance of Seeking Professional Assistance

Given the complexities and nuances of the UAE’s business landscape, it is highly recommended for foreign investors to seek the assistance of professional consultants when establishing a business with 100% foreign ownership. These experts can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the company formation process, ensuring that all requirements are met and that the process is as efficient and seamless as possible. By partnering with experienced professionals, foreign investors can confidently navigate the UAE’s dynamic business environment and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the 100% foreign ownership regulations.

Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus

Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus 

When it comes to setting up a business with 100% foreign ownership in the UAE, partnering with an experienced and professional service provider like Novus is crucial. With over 12 years of experience in the UAE market, Novus has the expertise and knowledge required to assist you in successfully establishing your business in this competitive landscape.

Novus offers a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your company formation and licensing needs. From business setup services in mainland Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and Ajman, to free zone options and offshore services, Novus has you covered. Their all-inclusive licenses, corporate banking assistance, free VAT consultation, and license approval within 24 hours further streamline the process, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

By partnering with Novus, you not only benefit from their professional expertise but also gain access to valuable investor visa options and efficient processes. Their customer-focused approach, evident in their commitment to providing clear and concise information, as well as convenient calls to action for scheduling consultations or booking services, makes Novus the ideal partner for your 100% foreign-owned business setup in the UAE.

With a proven track record of serving over 20,000 companies, Novus is the go-to choice for both local and international clients looking to establish their presence in the UAE market. Don’t miss out on the exciting opportunities presented by the 100% foreign ownership regulations in the UAE. Schedule a consultation with Novus today and embark on your journey towards a successful business setup in this thriving market.

Steps to Establish a Business with 100% Ownership in UAE

Steps to Establish an Offshore Company

Setting up a business with 100% foreign ownership in the UAE involves a series of crucial steps that must be followed to ensure a smooth and successful company formation process. By carefully considering each step, foreign investors can efficiently establish their presence in the UAE’s dynamic market and capitalize on the exciting opportunities presented by the new foreign ownership regulations.

Deciding on the Business Activity and Location

One of the first decisions that foreign investors must make when establishing a business in the UAE is selecting the appropriate business activity and location. With a wide range of industries and sectors eligible for 100% foreign ownership, investors have a multitude of options to choose from. It is essential to carefully consider the specific needs and preferences of the company to ensure that the chosen business activity aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives. Additionally, the selected location, whether in a mainland or free zone area, will have a significant impact on the company’s operations and growth potential.

Preparing the Necessary Documents and Approvals

Once the business activity and location have been determined, foreign investors must prepare the required documents and obtain the necessary approvals from the respective authorities. This step is crucial in ensuring that the company formation process proceeds smoothly and without any delays or complications. The required documentation may include trade license applications, memorandum of association, and other relevant permits, depending on the specific business activity and jurisdiction.

Registration and Licensing Process

With the necessary documents and approvals in place, foreign investors can proceed with the registration and licensing process for their companies. This involves submitting the required documentation to the relevant authorities, paying the necessary fees, and obtaining the trade license that will allow the company to operate legally in the UAE. It is crucial to ensure that all requirements and regulations are adhered to during this process to avoid any issues or complications.

Opening a Corporate Bank Account

Established a Business with 100% Foreign Ownership with Novus 

Once the company has been registered and licensed, foreign investors must open a corporate bank account to manage the company’s financial transactions. This step is critical in ensuring the smooth operation of the business and maintaining financial transparency and compliance. Furthermore, investors need to be aware of any post-setup requirements, such as obtaining visas for employees, setting up office space, and securing other necessary permits. By diligently addressing these requirements, foreign investors can ensure a seamless transition into the UAE market and capitalize on the exciting opportunities presented by the 100% foreign ownership regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

For those considering setting up a business with 100% foreign ownership in the UAE, it is natural to have questions about the process, regulations, and potential implications. Here, we address some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic:

Can a foreigner register a company in Dubai without a local sponsor?

Yes, thanks to the introduction of the Foreign Direct Investment Law, foreigners can now register a company in Dubai without a local sponsor, provided that their business activity is included in the list of activities eligible for 100% foreign ownership. This allows foreign investors to have complete control over their businesses in the UAE without the need for a local sponsor.

What businesses are included in the 100% ownership list?

The list of activities eligible for 100% foreign ownership in the UAE covers various sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. The list is periodically updated to include additional business activities, demonstrating the UAE’s commitment to facilitating foreign investments and economic diversification. Foreign investors need to verify whether their intended business activity is included in this list to ensure their eligibility for 100% foreign ownership.

Are there any restrictions on nationalities for 100% ownership?

While there are no specific nationality restrictions for 100% ownership of companies in the UAE, it is essential to note that the eligibility and application process may vary depending on the investor’s nationality and the specific business activity. Foreign investors are advised to consult with experienced professionals, such as, to help navigate the process and ensure a smooth company formation experience.

Will I be taxed on my income if I own a business in the UAE?

Currently, the UAE does not impose personal income tax on individuals, whether they are residents or foreign investors. However, it is important to note that the UAE has implemented a Value Added Tax (VAT) system, which may impact certain business transactions. Additionally, foreign investors should be aware of any tax implications in their home country and consult with tax professionals to ensure compliance with all relevant tax regulations.

Embrace UAE’s Business Evolution

The UAE’s business landscape has undergone significant changes with the introduction of 100% foreign ownership, opening doors to new opportunities for foreign investors. With the possibility of full control over businesses, the UAE offers a competitive and attractive environment for global entrepreneurs. As you consider exploring these opportunities, remember that, with its 12 years of experience and wide range of services, is your ideal partner in the journey.

Schedule a consultation with today and start your journey towards establishing a 100% foreign-owned business in the UAE.